The tan-oak, reviled for years as a “junk tree” disliked by the timber industry, is now largely extinct in Marin County and some of Sonoma. To the Pomo, it was known as “the beautiful tree” and valued for its acorns, favored above all other kinds. Let’s stop the disaffection.

From inside the Quail house, it displays silvered limbs and trunk and rich green leaves at every window of the northwest facing wall (there are three). It absorbs the northwest winds, sucks them up with its naturally rounded form and dense crispy foliage. Also, the redwood siding on that shaded, protected side of the house displays rich color still, while the other sides of the house, which is always cool, have been bleached by the sun.

Please submit pictures of YOUR oak tree . The winner will receive one 4” pot of peppermint candy flower (Claytonia sibirica), one 4” pot of Pt Reyes checkerbloom (Sidalcea calycosa rhizomata), and one 4” pot of meadow rue (Thalictrum polycarpum). We have found that all these species do well under oaks, requiring no summer water and blooming freely
These must be “home yard” oaks, that live with people. Contest ends May 15, 2010
Hi Judith!!!
How nice that you have a blog. I hope you will keep writing, I would love to see your pictures and hear your stories.
I found your blog because I was just telling my friend Sharon that you sell native seeds and directed her to your website.
I hope you are dong well. I'm sending a hug!
Love, Dawn
Look at Sharon's latest blog post...she visited a field of wildflowers, and they are just beautiful:
I think you would love Sharon's blog...she is a gardener and author, like you. :)
please post more!!
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